Well, here we are at the close of another year. It’s hard to believe 2010 is almost over. It has been an exciting year for WISEWOMAN. Here are just a few of the highlights.
The inaugural blog posting for A Word From The Wise was posted on March 26, 2010. We have had a few stops and starts, but the blog is a great way to keep people informed about WISEWOMAN.
On May 1, 2010, the Dr. Ron Davis Smoke Free Air Law went into effect. This law helps protect the majority of non-smokers in Michigan from second hand smoke. It may also help prompt some of our WISEWOMAN participants to stop smoking for good.
A few days after the Smoke Free Air Law went into effect, we held the BCCCP/ WISEWOMAN Annual Meeting in Traverse City May 5-7, 2010 at the Great Wolf Lodge. We had some really great sessions and some terrific networking among the local WISEWOMAN staff.
2010 marks the second year of Market Fresh, and it has been a great success. Market Fresh is modeled after Project Fresh and Senior Project Fresh. Project Fresh provides books of coupons to WIC Moms to purchase fresh Michigan fruits and vegetables. Senior Project Fresh provides the coupons to folks over 60. Market Fresh provide those same coupon books to our WISEWOMAN participants. As soon as we get the final numbers for 2010, we will be writing about it here.
This year, we expanded the WISEWOMAN Entrepreneurial Gardening project to five new counties. This partnership between WISEWOMAN and MSU Extension was a win-win for everyone involved.
In August, we kicked off the WISEWOMAN/Body and Soul Lay Health Educator Project. This is a partnership between WISEWOMAN and the American Cancer Society’s Body and Soul in Flint, Michigan. For this pilot, the Lay Health Educators recruit women to be screened in both the BCCCP and WISEWOMAN. The screening takes place through the Genesee County Health Department. After the screening, the Lay Health Educators work with the women to deliver the Health Partnership Intervention. Stay tuned for more information as it unfolds.
This fall Michigan WISEWOMAN added a couple of new local organizations and several new screening sites. Barry-Eaton District Health Department offers WISEWOMAN in Barry and Eaton Counties. McAuley Health Center offers WISEWOMAN in Wayne County. Two of our current organizations expanded into four new counties. That means WISEWOMAN is now available in 34 counties!!
With a year like that, what can we do for an encore? Well, we plan to continue doing great things by brining WISEWOMAN to at least 4,500 eligible Michigan women. We will continue with Market Fresh, the Entrepreneurial Gardening Project, and the WISEWOMAN/Body and Soul Lay Health Educator Project. We are planning another great Annual Meeting, scheduled for May 3-5, 2011 in Traverse City. And, we are working on a few new innovative projects that will impact not only the health of our WISEWOMAN participants, but also the Social Determinants of Health. Keep checking this blog for all the exciting details!
The Michigan WISEWOMAN staff wish you a Safe, Happy, and Healthy New Year!!!!!
The inaugural blog posting for A Word From The Wise was posted on March 26, 2010. We have had a few stops and starts, but the blog is a great way to keep people informed about WISEWOMAN.
On May 1, 2010, the Dr. Ron Davis Smoke Free Air Law went into effect. This law helps protect the majority of non-smokers in Michigan from second hand smoke. It may also help prompt some of our WISEWOMAN participants to stop smoking for good.
A few days after the Smoke Free Air Law went into effect, we held the BCCCP/ WISEWOMAN Annual Meeting in Traverse City May 5-7, 2010 at the Great Wolf Lodge. We had some really great sessions and some terrific networking among the local WISEWOMAN staff.
2010 marks the second year of Market Fresh, and it has been a great success. Market Fresh is modeled after Project Fresh and Senior Project Fresh. Project Fresh provides books of coupons to WIC Moms to purchase fresh Michigan fruits and vegetables. Senior Project Fresh provides the coupons to folks over 60. Market Fresh provide those same coupon books to our WISEWOMAN participants. As soon as we get the final numbers for 2010, we will be writing about it here.
This year, we expanded the WISEWOMAN Entrepreneurial Gardening project to five new counties. This partnership between WISEWOMAN and MSU Extension was a win-win for everyone involved.
In August, we kicked off the WISEWOMAN/Body and Soul Lay Health Educator Project. This is a partnership between WISEWOMAN and the American Cancer Society’s Body and Soul in Flint, Michigan. For this pilot, the Lay Health Educators recruit women to be screened in both the BCCCP and WISEWOMAN. The screening takes place through the Genesee County Health Department. After the screening, the Lay Health Educators work with the women to deliver the Health Partnership Intervention. Stay tuned for more information as it unfolds.
This fall Michigan WISEWOMAN added a couple of new local organizations and several new screening sites. Barry-Eaton District Health Department offers WISEWOMAN in Barry and Eaton Counties. McAuley Health Center offers WISEWOMAN in Wayne County. Two of our current organizations expanded into four new counties. That means WISEWOMAN is now available in 34 counties!!
With a year like that, what can we do for an encore? Well, we plan to continue doing great things by brining WISEWOMAN to at least 4,500 eligible Michigan women. We will continue with Market Fresh, the Entrepreneurial Gardening Project, and the WISEWOMAN/Body and Soul Lay Health Educator Project. We are planning another great Annual Meeting, scheduled for May 3-5, 2011 in Traverse City. And, we are working on a few new innovative projects that will impact not only the health of our WISEWOMAN participants, but also the Social Determinants of Health. Keep checking this blog for all the exciting details!
The Michigan WISEWOMAN staff wish you a Safe, Happy, and Healthy New Year!!!!!