Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Here we are in November. The six counties involved in the Entrepreneurial Gardening Project have all had frost by now. Except for some kale or other hardy greens, the gardens are finished for the year. Well, the gardens may be finished, but the entrepreneurial spirit of our WISEWOMAN gardeners keeps going.

You may recall from the blog post in May, the WISEWOMAN Entrepreneurial Gardening Project expanded from a one county pilot project into a total of six counties in Northern Michigan. Twenty-five WISEWOMAN gardeners participated in the project. They were helped in their efforts by Michigan State University Extension. Extension Master Gardeners taught classes on gardening and composting, while the Extension Educators taught nutrition classes. The participants also learned marketing skills thanks to a U.S. Department of Agriculture course called “Selling the Whole Truckload.”

The project expansion was a great success! Here are a few quotes from the WISEWOMAN gardeners:

"This program has awakened a new enjoyment in my life. It’s one of the most exciting things of the summer. I feel confident in my gardening skills, and my husband is a great support, too. He thinks it’s so exciting!"

"I used this program to plant 72 tomato plants on my property! I’ve had to use the food pantry plenty of times in my life, so I’m going to donate these tomatoes to the food pantry. This is one way I can give back."

"I’m new to the area, and I haven’t been able to find a job. I love this program! I planted leeks, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, herbs….It gives me an opportunity to get outside. I have met so many wonderful friends through this experience. I’m really happy. My husband is really supportive, too. It makes him happy that I’m happy."

"This has been a wonderful experience to bond with other women! I’ve also received help from my brother—he loves to make salsa, so that drove what I planted in my garden. We’re spending more time together in the garden and in the kitchen!"

To read more about the Entrepreneurial Gardening Project, go to: http://bit.ly/axnXjV

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